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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8) Page 8
Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8) Read online
Page 8
“There is only one bright light in my life that I find funny and I just discovered she can even make animal noises, something to adore and become addicted to,” he told me making me blush and roll my eyes in feigned annoyance. He pulled back a little and said,
“And what of that look, for it puzzles me greatly.” Oh crikey, I guess he didn’t get many people rolling their eyes at him.
“Don’t worry about it, big guy,” I said patting him on the arm before moving to sit up and pulling my kaftan down at the same time. The growl I heard made me smile before it soon turned into laughter when I looked back over my shoulder and saw his face. Now he looked annoyed and I couldn’t help but find the humour in it. It was nice to finally be able to tease him for a change. His eyes softened when he saw that I was just being playful and I knew he was finding this difficult. After all, he had probably never encountered anyone like me before, so I knew I had to go easy on him.
“I jest with you,” I told him making him grin.
“You will keep me on my toes, of that I can be certain,” he told me and I wanted to say, ‘boy, you have no idea!’ But thankfully I engaged my filter. I was about to speak when the next embarrassing human trait beat me to it. My stomach rumbled, making me giggle when his eyes went wide.
“By the Gods! I must feed you!” he shouted, suddenly getting from the bed as though he had just committed a sin by lying there.
“Arsaces, it’s fine, I’m…” I told him but he suddenly seemed really angry at himself. He sliced a hand through the air to cut me off before saying,
“It is not acceptable! You are mortal and I have not taken such into account. I need to take great care, as being around you renders me mindless to such things as your basic needs,” he told me and I sighed before shifting off the bed and approaching him. Then without warning him of my actions, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him to me, taking him completely off guard. I felt him first stiffen in my hold before he took a deep breath, releasing it on a sigh before relaxing into me.
“I am quite capable of requesting such things for myself, so the fault is not solely yours to bear. After all, I have been taking care of this mortal body a lot longer than you, so I have no excuse only for it to be your own…”
“What do you mean little one?” he asked me, looking down and bringing my chin up so that he could see my eyes.
“That you distract me from such things, just as I do you.” I told him and the grin I received because of it was almost blindingly handsome.
“This pleases me to hear sweetest one, but the truth remains that the fault is still mine,” he told me and I felt myself frown as I asked,
“Why?” He gave me a small smile as he took in my frown and reached up to smooth the line in between my eyebrows with his thumb before answering me,
“Because, little lamb of mine, your body is no longer your responsibility, for it is mine and trust me when I tell you that I take good care of what I own,” he whispered this last part as he tipped my head back so he could end his promise with a kiss.
After this he decided to make it his new mission to prove what he told me, starting with getting me out of my wet clothes. This time he did rip them off me and by the time I was shrieking in surprise, he had picked me up and had me lay back on the bed, covered and warm. I looked to the windows to see that it was getting dark and now not only was I thirsty beyond belief, I was also starving and dying for a pee. Three things around Draven that I didn’t ever want to admit.
“I will be back in a moment,” he told me and I sat up, holding the covers to my naked chest and asked,
“Why? Where are you going?” Once again, he seemed pleased by the needy tone in my voice, and smiled because of it before telling me,
“I need to assign you a new hand servant and request that some food be brought.” At this I panicked and he saw it, for he raised an eyebrow at me.
“There is something wrong?”
“I…um…it’s just…” I didn’t know how to say this without sounding whiney.
“Speak it my love and if it is in my power to give you, then it shall be yours,” he said and I wanted to cock my head to the side and say ‘aww’ but thankfully didn’t.
“Can Pip be my hand servant?” Okay, so from his expression this seemed to be one of those things he didn’t want to give. Something he confirmed when he snapped out the question,
“The Imp!?” At this I forgot about my nakedness and dropped the covers to cross my arms making his gaze turn purple and intense.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” I demanded getting huffy. Of course, his thoughts were somewhere else, like most men when presented with a glimpse of bare breasts.
“Arsaces, focus.” I told him catching him out and he grinned before looking at me and saying,
“I don’t think that is possible when presented with such bountiful fruit for me to taste.” I tried not to laugh as I re-covered my breasts making him groan aloud, giving me cause to laugh louder this time.
“Can we get back to my request now?”
“I do not trust her,” he told me calmly and at this my mouth dropped open in shock.
“You mean you don’t trust someone who has saved my life countless times and would die for me…” I asked but then before he could answer I carried on, too far gone in my argument of standing up for my friend.
“…someone who has only ever aided me in trying to find you, going to extreme lengths as to leave her husband for such a journey?”
“Well I…” he started to say and I interrupted again,
“…Someone who I love and care for like a sister and who brings me such joy in my life, that I would forever feel an empty hole in my heart if she was ever taken from it…you mean that Imp?!” I asked finally finishing, making Draven look as though I had just cast aside a dog to sit in the rain outside for peeing on the couch. Something I should mention I would never do, because I loved dogs but Draven…well yeah, if he was ‘verbally peeing on my Pip’!
Now if there was ever a time to see a mighty King looking sheepish and wishing nothing more than to take back the last few minutes of his own stupidity, then that time was now. Draven released a big sigh and then decided the best course of action was the one most men took…eat some damn humble pie and grovel. Something that I could honestly say, was a first for this man.
“Forgive me, for I knew not the level of loyalty given by such a creature,” he told me and I screeched,
“Creature?!” This was when he realised his mistake and rectified it immediately, no doubt wondering where his royal status had run off to in dealing with me.
“Being, but naturally I meant ‘being’. But now I know that I have nothing to fear from such a noble…being…then I will permit such a union,” he said carefully, making me roll my lips trying to hold in the winning smile I felt peeking out, I nodded and said.
“And I thank you greatly for it, My King.” I said granting him some of his royal ego back, one he smirked at hearing. Then he did something really out of character for him. Teasing me he folded an arm to his waist and bowed low before saying,
“But of course, my lady.” I burst out laughing and said,
“Can I ask for one more thing?” Then when I heard him groan I knew it was another tease and I think in that strange moment, I fell in love with him even that little bit more. Something I didn’t think possible, with the amount of love I already had for him.
“I now find myself praying to the Gods that your request is for the entirety of my treasury, for I fear for anything else,” he joked and I burst out laughing and said,
“You made a joke...A jest…and it was funny!” I added as he obviously didn’t understand the word joke.
“What can I confess, other than you must be using your sorcery on me, for I believe it has never happened before you.” I laughed again and this time bit my lip.
“Have pity on your King sweet one, and ask it of me,” he told me still teasing and I suddenly wished I
wasn’t human, so I didn’t need simple things like food to stay alive. That way we could continue this playful time on the bed together like before. But before my stomach could rumble again and make him feel guilty, I put him out of his misery and said,
“I would like a kiss before you leave me.” Now this really had him smiling and I loved seeing his eyes sink to purple depths because of it.
“Then lucky for me there is little I can deny you, for I will gain great pleasure in your request this time,” he said before walking over and giving me what I wanted. Something that happily took longer than I expected it to.
It was nice to see that he was always reluctant to leave me and this kiss was no different. But in the end, it was once again my stomach reminding him of his current task and he walked away cursing himself, muttering about being rendered mindless once more.
I had chuckled to myself once the door was closed. I did however feel for the poor soldiers that no doubt received his wrath on their impulsive actions earlier. I had now wished my request had been to take it easy on them but then again, I knew there was only so much Draven could take and thought it not wise to push him too hard, too soon. And I very much doubted hearing me advising him against how he saw fit to run his kingdom was the best way. After all, I had made that mistake once before, after discovering his temple and angry Draven from this time was far scarier than the one I knew how to tame back in my own time.
“Well hello Toot ta, ta, tit buddy.” Pip said happily when skipping into the room.
“That’s a long-winded nickname, even for you Pipperlicious.” I told her making her laugh.
“Yeah well you are naked, so if the panties fit,” she replied winking at me.
“So, juice on the Parthian grapevine is I have just been appointed your super, uber bit’ach hand servant.” I smiled and said,
“Well I don’t know, I was thinking about conducting interviews but hey, you came in here without brandishing a weapon at me and trying to kill, maim and slash, so… huh, would you look at that, I think you got the job.” At this she did a power pull in the air and said,
“YESSS!” making me laugh again.
“Well, I must say that your powers of persuasion are second to none, for not only did you have the King request I be your new servant, but I also received a hint of a smile and a royal thanks for keeping your Electus ass, sweet and safe. I think I nearly wept, I will tell ya!” At this I gave her a beaming smile. He had thanked her?
“Wow happy much? Jeez if I knew it made you this happy I would tell you more often how Adam always thanks me for steak and blowjob Thursdays, ‘cause see I can do this thing with my piercing and…”
“LALALA Can’t hear you!” I said slapping my hands to my ears like I usually did around Pip. After all, it was our favourite pastime.
“Right, so where do we start…oh yes, you go do your business in that pot over there and I will get some clothes. Kingy man said he had some made for you and where are…ah over here,” she said, all the while looking around the room until finding a huge chest. Meanwhile I was still stuck on ‘doing my business’ in a damn pot!
“I can’t do that!”
“Well good luck with peeing out the window then, because trust me on this, unless you’re a dude with a big dick, then it don’t work so well…even if you’re a squirter…if you catch my drift.”
“Ewww Squeak, way too much info on that one…jeez.” This made her chuckle as she hunched over the chest hunting for fabric treasure. I took a moment to take in her own outfit and smirked when I saw her all in black and once again looking some kind of ancient ninja. It must have really pained her to have to dress this way as I don’t think I had ever seen her in anything that could be classed as plain, back in our own time.
She even wore a turban style scarf, hiding all her green hair from view, because I doubted she would have been able to explain that one to Draven. This also went for her colourful tattoos, but at least her piercings were safe, as apparently that was something practiced in some tribes for thousands of years. Plus, she said something about just making her look harder, for only warriors did this as a sign of their strength. Well either way, I was just happy neither of her body jewellery had things like smiley faces on it or candy skulls, as she had swapped them for plain ones before we left. I even bet my thirteen- year old self’s sticker collection that she had to go out and buy these specially, as Pip didn’t own ‘Plain’ anything!
“Look if you have pee stage fright, then just take it behind that little lattice screen thingy,” she told me and before my bladder thought to burst I did as she told me.
“How you doing back there?” she asked and I groaned,
“Oh, just peachy!” She started laughing and then stopped abruptly, so I added,
“Let’s just say I am not a natural born squatter and leave it at that.” And then I heard her burst into a fit of giggles, followed by a very male sounding, clearing of someone’s throat.
“Oh Gods…please don’t let it be true.” I whispered looking up and praying hard enough to make my forehead veins bulge. But this only managed to get me confirmation that yes, Draven had come back and in true Keira fashion, at the worst possible moment. Oh yeah, say good bye to that sexy Kaz, because it didn’t just get up and fly away. Oh no, it just got shot out of a damn cannon and exploded mid-air into a ‘poof’ of feathers!
He cleared his throat, obviously trying to hide a laugh and said to Pip,
“I will wait for her out here.” Pip laughed once and said,
“Yeah good plan that, My Lord.” Making him cough back another laugh. The next thing I knew I had Pip popping her head around the screen, look down at me and saying,
“Well that went well I think.” I growled and snatched the cloth from her so that I could wipe my embarrassed lady bits.
“Oh yeah, cause hearing me say that I am not a natural born squatter, is a sure way to get him to have sex with me!” I hissed this last part making her chuckle again and then said,
“Well just look at this way Tootie Pants, if he can overlook the fact that you suck at squatting on the pisser, then let’s just call him a keeper and try and wow him with just the sucking part.”
“Pip!” I screeched and said,
“Okay, don’t get your pubes in a dreadlock! Jeez, what is it with you and blowjobs anyway?!” she said and I groaned, biting my lip. After I had finished and grabbed the material that she hung over the screen, I decided to come clean.
“I…I’m not very good at them, okay.” I told her honestly. It was at this point that I had sort of expected her to start laughing but it was surprisingly quiet back there, so I just prayed that Draven hadn’t decided to make another appearance, or I think I would have died, prophecy or no damn prophecy!
“Umm…Pip?” I said after pulling the top part of my outfit over my arms, barely taking notice of it other than seeing it was peach colour…cute Pip, trust her to take my ‘Peachy’ comment and make it an outfit choice.
“I’m thinking,” she told me and I had to ask,
“About what?” I would have been lying if I didn’t say that her answer filled me with dread,
“About where we can find a banana.” At this I actually stopped midway trying to pull up my harem pants and muttered, ‘oh God’.
“Look I know he is all powerful up there Toots, but in this, I really don’t think he can help you,” she said on a chuckle and I rolled my eyes as I tried to squeeze myself into the little bolero jacket, hooking the hidden clasps, after almost punching my breasts into it. Well, at least walking around the palace without a bra wasn’t a problem as nothing said sexy like two watermelons in a pair of tights…not.
After this I stepped out and let Pip sit my ass on the bed so that she could attack my hair with a comb and believe me when I said, that with my big blonde mop, then it took some time. In the end, she growled in frustration and finished it off by plaiting it to the side after slamming the comb down on the bed with a huff. Welcome to my wor
ld I thought with a smirk.
“I know what you’re thinking missy and when we get your ass back then I am buying your wavy butt some straighteners!” She vowed making me giggle. Thankfully, after spending most of the day naked, I was finally dressed and ready to be fed. Which I also almost thanked the Gods for as before long I was close to seeing Pip as a cartoon cooked chicken.
So, I took a deep breath, pulled up my big girl ancient belly dancing pants and walked into the sunken living space to find Draven there waiting for me. My eyes found his heated ones, as he looked me up and down with obvious arousal depicted in his flaming purple gaze. But then this was when it went all to Hell and back as I saw who else was in the room with us.
The person he had been speaking with before I had entered and it just so happened to be the only other person, not part of our time travelling family, who knew the truth about where we had come from.
I felt Pip stiffen next to me as one name escaped my lips…
Chapter 8
Wrapping Up Demands
When I walked into the room I saw Draven sat back casually, now dressed in a long sleeveless tunic that was open at the front, showing off his divine torso underneath. It was black with round gold symbols centred between two rows of thorns that framed the edges of his jacket style tunic. The sight of him was drool worthy, with his soft loose pants that tied to the side, ones I knew that all it would take was one pull so that one of my favourite parts of him would be free to come out and play.
But none of this was enough to take away the sight of him talking to Lucius who was sat in a seat opposite. Something that was the very last thing I had both wanted or expected. In fact, I had been in two minds whether to just look up at the Gods and shout ‘oh come on!’