Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8) Page 10
I had teased him about his ‘modern throne’ the one we had been sat in at the time and this was when he had pulled me close and told me,
“Well how else am I to keep my eye on unruly little vixens that like to tease me so?”
The memory almost had me forming tears, for I missed him so much. And I know it sounded strange, considering I had the very same man facing me now but it was what it was. Draven, the man I fell in love with, was a world away and in his place, was someone that felt more like the reflection of Draven, when looking in the mirror. I loved them both, but in truth, I loved one just that little bit more than the other. And looking at him now, I felt cruel for even thinking it, no matter that I was simply being true to my heart… it still felt wrong of me.
In the end, my thoughts were taken from me at the sight of Draven smirking at me. Then, getting back to my challenge, I grabbed an extra cushion from the seat, placed it down next to me and patted it, saying,
“It’s safe, I can assure you, my King.” At this he looked to be fighting biting his own lip and the light and mirth in his eyes was stunning.
“Very well Nāzanin, I will forgo my advantage and play,” he answered me cryptically, making me ask as he knew I would. So, I let him shift his big body off the seat and slide in next to me. Bless him but he had to move the whole table just to fit, making me giggle before asking,
“Your advantage?”
“In height, so that I may enjoy the entertainment in watching you eat.” I groaned making him chuckle and said,
“Then I am even more pleased you decided to…play,” I said trying to say this last word as seductively as I could. As soon as I saw his eyes flash momentarily I mentally high fived my inner vixen and decided to get back to the delicious task at hand… this time being food and not getting to wash Draven’s amazing body.
So, I went to it and knew that I did so under the watchful eyes of a very curious King. First, I grabbed a breast off a whole cooked chicken and started to rip it into strips to place at the centre of my flatbread. Then I grabbed some cheese, crumbling it along as it looked very similar to feta or goat’s cheese. Then I lifted the pot of spices and brought it to my nose to smell, trying to detect what it was before just sprinkling a load of chilli on my meal.
To be honest I couldn’t tell but it smelled nice and after a little dip of my little finger, I decided a sprinkling would give it a good kick and complement my next ingredient…honey. I loved honey glazed chicken, so thought this would be like that as I loved the combination of sweet and spicy.
“Gods have mercy,” Draven muttered behind me and I bit my lip, wondering what it was about seeing me do this that needed to be granted mercy?
I decided to ignore the comment and find my last ingredient. I had to go hunting under the flatbreads, as I loved pomegranates, so decided it might taste nice in the wrap I was trying to build. I knew if I looked back over my shoulder now, I would find Draven watching me with astonishment, so I saved my cheeks the heated torture and continued to finish.
“Umm…is there a knife?” I asked him, whilst peering over the table and moving stuff around, trying to find one. Of course, he produced one swiftly as it was his own and after taking the fruit out of my hand, he cut it in two in the blink of an eye. I couldn’t look at him in the face, but I knew that all I wanted to do right then was suck the juice off his fingers. After all, pomegranate juice was sticky stuff indeed and would take a while to clean up.
“Now that look interests me greatly, for it looks sinful,” he hummed in my ear and I shuddered against him.
“Lucky for me then it is not something I will ever find myself punished for, for my thoughts are thankfully my own,” I teased back making him growl and nip at my neck.
“Umm…not for long, for I will have my way with you, Nāzanin,” he promised and I was almost curious enough to ask if he was joking or if he knew something I didn’t. I decided to clear the lust from my throat and ignore the way he chuckled behind me. I then went back to my task and grabbed the spoon from the stew. I first cleaned the spoon with my mouth, nearly moaning at how good it tasted. And was that a groan I heard from Draven at the sight of me doing so?
I smiled to myself when he said,
“Now what are you planning to do with that, I wonder?” he asked and I resisted to the urge to tease him further, as it was obvious by the tone of his voice, that by watching me create my meal, he was getting turned on.
“You shall soon see. My grandmother taught me this trick when I was little,” I told him thinking it safe enough to give him this little insight into my life. I then turned one half of the fruit up over my wrap, and started hitting it with the back of the spoon so that all the little juicy pink seeds could fall, like the scattering of jewels, over my meal. Then I discarded the rest of the fruit and started finishing my wrap, starting with folding in the bottom. Then I folded over one side, before rolling it over the other way to create a tighter wrap. Then I licked my fingers, something that granted me another moan and took a huge bite.
“Oh my…tis, sooo good,” I said with my mouth full making Draven boom with laughter. I finally swallowed my bite and then held the wrap out to him with both hands around it and said,
“Here, try some.” He smirked at me before looking down at my wrap like it was some great gift I was about to share with him. I nodded to him to take some and with a gratifying look, he held his hand over mine as he brought it closer to his lips. He took a big bite and nodded his thanks, making me lean back and continue eating as I awaited the verdict. I smiled when I saw his eyes go wide when all of the combination of flavours started bursting across his tongue.
“This is really good!” he said sounding surprised. I laughed once and said,
“I have my talents.” To which he turned my face to his so that he could reply softly,
“Oh, of that I have little doubt in my sweet girl, most of which I think you are unaware of such.” And then he took the opportunity to take me off guard by bringing my wrap to his mouth and taking another large bite. He tried not to laugh with his mouthful at the sight of my false horror.
“Oi! You stole from me!” I said pretending to be outraged and he just shrugged his shoulders, making me forget for a moment which Draven I was sat with.
“I believe this time you hold all the blame, my dearest one, for you can expect nothing less when presenting your King with such treasure and I did say I always took what I wanted, did I not?”
“Like me?” I challenged, one he readily accepted when his eyes flashed purple and he shifted closer to me. He gently tucked a stray part of my hair behind my ear and came closer before giving me his answer,
“Oh, I will take you, Nāzanin…” he said, pausing enough to speak the next words over my trembling lips,
“…And never let you go again.”
Chapter 9
Truth Where It Matters
After this promise issued, he had no idea just how damning it sounded considering our plan was kind of crucial to us getting back to our own time. But for the time being, all I could hope for was to gain his trust enough to…well, for starters, let me out of his sight for more than an hour. Something that didn’t seem likely for some time yet, not when on two occasions someone had tried to approach the door on what they deemed a ‘royal matter’ only to be turned away. Draven wasn’t in any hurry to get back to his Kingdom and seemed far too engrossed in sitting with me whilst we shared our first meal together.
In the end, I had made two more wraps, one for him and another for me, for he continued to steal bites out of mine, quickly making it into a game. The rules had been easy, being only two to remember. The first, was distract me with sweet soft words, and the second was to swoop on in and attack my food when I was being lured into a false sense of security. The laughter had been worth every stolen bite.
It was amazing, because in the end we must have looked like a couple of teenagers sat on the floor, laughing, play fighting, and pigging out on ancient j
unk food. All we were missing was some corny slasher movie on in the background and a small child upstairs we should have been babysitting. At one point, he had teased me so much that I decided to get him back by turning the tables on him. So, I played the game by leaning in close, keeping a hand behind me and whispering up to him,
“You know my Lord, I find you quite handsome.” The look on his face was perfect! He seemed so taken aback by my sudden flirty statement that I totally had him in the palm of my hand.
“Is that so?” he asked with a smirk and I nodded my head. Then I motioned for him to come closer to me and said,
“Although, there is something missing that I wish to see on you,” I told him whispering behind my free hand, scooping two fingers he couldn’t see in the pot of honey.
“And what is that my beauty?” he whispered back, totally playing along and I let out a little giggle and said,
“Something sweet to lick off you!” Then I ran my two dripping fingers down from his nose, over his lips and to his chin. I then burst out laughing at the sight of his utter astonishment. In fact, I was laughing so hard I had to put a hand to my heart, as I could barely breathe. Meanwhile he slowly lifted his fingers to his nose and caught the drip before it fell. Then he brought it to his lips and sucked it clean, suddenly making my mouth go dry at the sight. Holy mother of all that is sinful, could he be any sexier.
“Oh, if that is how you want to play…then we will play, sweetness,” he warned and before he could make his move I lost myself to my addiction and threw myself at him! I knew I took him completely off guard and for once, I became the uncontrollable one. I had jumped on his lap, straddling him and started kissing the honey from his face, like a woman possessed.
He growled low as his hands gripped my hips, holding me to him. I was doing the same with both my hands on his head, with my fingers in his hair, keeping him locked to me. I licked up his chin and over his lips before diving in there and letting him taste the honey on my tongue for himself. His hands fisted in the material of my trousers and I heard the first sign that he was close to losing control…it made me grin over his lips at the ripping sound.
“By the Gods woman! What is it you do to me!” he shouted tearing his lips from mine and panting like some overworked beast. Then I decided to take what little control I had over this situation and I pushed it! My fingers curled into fists in his hair, making his eyes widen before I yanked him hard to me and said,
“Why don’t you show me!” Then I forced his lips to mine just as he released a growl. The kiss was so intense I felt as if I could have come from it, which made me shamelessly start grinding myself against his erection…one that definitely wanted to come out and play. I knew this when he pulled back an inch and snarled down at me before I heard the crash of our feast hitting the floor with a clatter. Draven had mentally pushed it from the low table, thanks to the power of supernatural telekinesis. Then he pushed me backwards, after wrapping his arms around my torso, so that he could lay me on the now cleared table.
“Now this is what I call a feast worth devouring,” he said coming down on top of me and thankfully I found out the true nature of craftmanship back in this time, as the table held both our combined weight without breaking. And it was a good job for we were suddenly at it in some kind of wild frenzy, tearing at each other’s clothes like reunited lovers. Desperation became the true meaning of our actions and I knew that for the Draven of this time, it was certainly another first.
He panted as he both struggled to hold back but also to ensure he got enough of me. It was as if this was not how he saw our first time together but trying to find the will to stop it was pushing against the realms of impossible. Of course, this just drove me to push him further and the idea of this was sending me into a near frenzy. I wanted him with a sexual fever of the likes I had never known.
“More,” I demanded making him growl and it was one that morphed into a deep groan as I reached in between us, pulled at his trousers, and took this hard length in hand, flesh to flesh.
“Gods!” he hissed between gritted teeth as I pumped his length and then I ran my fingertip across the top to gather up the drips of his pre-release. Then I let him go to bring my finger up to my mouth, so I could play him at his own erotic game. I pulled back from his kiss and just as he started to growl again, I put my finger in my mouth and sucked on it long and hard, loving the salty taste of him. This was all it took to sever that single thread of willpower he had left and it snapped with one word spoken,
“Fuck!” He swore with such an intensity that it made me arch my back and moan out his ancient name,
“Yes Arsaces!” Then I smiled when I expected any second now to feel the harsh tug of my harem pants being torn off me like paper, as he grabbed a handful of the material at my hip. Then just as he was about to enter me we both heard another crash from the other room and what sounded like a bull charging our way. With my head already thrown back I opened my eyes to the sight of a massive black creature racing towards us upside down and I screamed.
“No, Colossus!” Draven shouted but it was too late as the massive animal was trying in vain to skid to a halt at the sound of his master’s voice. Needless to say, it didn’t accomplish the task, but instead it just so happened to finally come to a stop where most of the food now lay scattered along the floor. What once was our feast, had now swiftly become its own and from the happy grunting noises, it seemed more than pleased with its new bounty. I felt Draven release a deep sigh above me as he looked down at the animal with a disappointed shake of his head. I, on the other hand, found this whole thing hilariously funny and burst out laughing after shouting out the obvious,
“You have a dog?!”
“This isn’t funny,” he told me sternly, which only ended up causing me to laugh even harder and now add a long string of piggy snorts to the sound.
“By…Gods it…is!” I said in between my fit and in the end Draven was left with no other option but to join me in seeing the humour in it all. I don’t know what I found funnier, that Draven actually owned what my world would have classed as a ‘normal pet’ not some killer hybrid demonic bird or that it was in fact an ‘Unruly’ one!
Finally, I calmed enough to try and get up, an action Draven allowed as it was obvious our sexual rampant moment had swiftly come and gone. So, he helped me up and I quickly turned around to face the ‘black brute’ as I was desperate to see what type of dog a man like Draven would have. I can’t say I was surprised by the sight.
“Is that a Neopolitan Mastiff?” I asked remembering the breed from falling in love with ‘Fang’ from the Harry Potter movies. He raised an eyebrow at me in such a way as if to ask, how the hell I would know something like this?
“It is and was also a gift from my…”
“Sister?” I asked quickly, knowing this was totally something Sophia would get a kick out of giving him.
“Brother,” Draven finished with an exasperated groan. At this I laughed again and thought back to their conversation about when Vincent had been complaining about Ava and her only behaving for her Master. I could imagine then that it was great pleasure on Vincent’s side to see that his mighty, ruling brother couldn’t seem to get his other pet to do the same and behave. But I suppose the same could be said for me, as I was still giggling as I took in the sight of his huge, black wrinkly dog.
I was too eager to meet his pet, much to his surprise as I crouched down and started making cooing noises.
“Here boy, here…um, what was his name again?” I asked looking back over my shoulder at Draven.
“Colossus,” he stated folding his arms across his chest, probably still pissed off at being interrupted.
“Ha, figures,” I said making him scoff before saying,
“And the meaning of that is?”
“Well it means giant statue in Greek right…I think it’s The Colossus of Rhodes, isn’t it? Anyway, what you have here is a pretty big dog, so it fits,” I said talking away and not for one
-minute stopping to see how strange me knowing any of this was. Of course, I could have said something stranger like, oh he’s named after a kick ass metal skinned X-Men character, who just also happens to be Russian…do you know him? Yeah, no, I don’t think this would have gone down any better. And speaking of going down, then that’s precisely what our left-over food was doing right now.
“And how you know this, puzzles me greatly, I must say.” I laughed nervously and then tapped my head and gave him a vague,
“Well read, remember.” Then I decided to get back to the dog, who hadn’t really seen me yet as it was obviously far too busy with the left-over chicken bones.
“Colossus, here boy!” I shouted him over and finally it looked up at me as if to do a double take.
“I should warn you, he doesn’t usually like…” Draven’s sentence trailed off after the dog bounded up to me and started fussing over me so much, he nearly knocked me off my knees.
“…women,” Draven finished off softly as it was clear, I was one woman he made an exception for. He was so huge and I could imagine, quite intimidating to most and rightly so, given that he looked like he could have quite easily gone up against a bear! It was easy to see that he was unusually big, even for his breed and his fur was beautifully soft, like blue/black velvet. His head had too many folds and wrinkles to count and with his soppy droopy eyes, he looked at you as though he would love you forever. I grabbed his head, rubbed behind his ears and made cooing noises at him, telling him,
“You are so cute! Yes, you are…you’re a handsome boy, yes, oh yes you are!” I heard Draven behind me clear his throat as if he was trying not to laugh and when I looked back at him, his dog whined in a way that told me it wanted to keep my attention. I giggled and then said,